Some examples

A notable ELSTO activity is the development and supply of pitch and yaw drives for wind turbines.
Shipped as ready to fit kits they are supplied to turbine builders in the Netherlands and abroad.
Thanks to careful assembly and thorough inspection and testing in the factory, a trouble free installation on the building site is guaranteed. Due to a prudent stock strategy, a very high delivery reliability is achieved.
Wind is an important renewable for ELSTO, but we also know our way in the challenging environment of fermentation plants. ATEX executions combined with highly resistant surface protection systems and stainless steel components are available for reliable performance in the most challenging conditions.

Exploration of oil, the construction of offshore windfarms, but also dredging companies are relying on dependable drive systems. Nice example in the offshore industry is the development and supply of jack up drives for work platforms and construction vessels. On location the jack up drives place four legs on the sea bed, and fully lift the vessel to a safe working height above the water.
Also a wide array of offshore specific motors, gearboxes and controls are developed and produced by ELSTO. High IP grades, standstill heating, special paint systems or materials, we make sure you get what you need. Point in case, ELSTO developed a special extremely watertight, heated motor brake that can be fitted with a wide range of optional equipment.

Heavy industry
Still one of the main driving forces behind modern economies. These days often under scrutiny due to the environmental effects, but indispensable even for the present day world. Large drives for example power rolling mills and move harbour cranes. Fitting example are the ELSTO supplied travel drives for gantry cranes. These drives are heavily loaded by the continuous acceleration and deceleration the crane and its load, often on a 24-7 basis, summer and winter usually in saline, dusty or wet conditions. Correct selection of the drives is therefore crucial for reliable and economical operation, fortunately the ELSTO experts know the application inside and out.

Machine building
Almost everything we see around us was made by and with machines. But first these machines themselves must be designed and built. ELSTO is a reliable partner in all stages of machine development, construction and production. Bet it electric or hydraulic motors, gearboxes or control systems. No matter whether you are building conveyor systems, automatic rebar bending machines, milking carousels or indeed fairground rides, you will find ELSTO on your side to move your business in a reliable, safe and economical way.

Machines and technical installations are subjected to both a technical and an economical lifespan. ELSTO actively addresses this problem by revitalising existing machines and installations. Key targets are improving both energy efficiency and productivity. In many cases machines and installations can even be made more versatile, improving their profitability. By replacing outdated drives and controls by modern equipment or changing from pneumatic to an electric drive the gains in energy consumption can be quite amazing, with a correspondingly short payback time.